Part 1
Sunday afternoons in the summertime were always the best time to relax. The weather was mild and the canopies were inviting. It was customary to sit in my hammock and read for hours as the breeze rocked my cocoon back and forth. These were the best days of the year. My wife was already working on dinner. Work was a sunrise away. And I would sit and think and read and sleep. Ideal. This hammock and I have been through a lot. I've thought through faith, financial crises, and fantasy football in this thing.
Shit. Finding myself in an ant pile after previously playing for the NBA championship with Dwyane Wade was not what I had expected this afternoon.
"Honey! My hammock ripped."
"Oh no. Sorry, dear."
Sorry, indeed. Maybe this is a sign that I need to go on a diet. One too many Checkers runs after the bar. Well, c'est la vie. New hammock time. I logged onto the interwebs to see what was available. Some pretty fancy shit. But maybe I needed something a little more...conducive to my Sunday hammock lifestyle.
"Honey! Do you know any local stores that sell hammocks?
"There's the camping store on 13th where you bought your old one."
"Ya. But I'm looking for something different this time around. Something with a little cachet."
"What's cachet?"
"Ya know, cachet."
"Mhmm. Well, there is that hippie in the park that weaved his own hammock. Maybe you could pay him for one."
The park was in walking distance. I always notice this particular homely fellow because my dog would flip its shit every time we walked near his area in the park. So needless to say, we had developed a rapport. And by rapport, I mean he creeped me out. So I played it cool when I approached him.
"Hey, park dwelling fellow."
"Hey, man."
"Let me ask you something. Do you know how to make hammocks?"
"Of course. I made this one."
"Well, this is going to sound odd, but would you consider making me a hammock? Mine just broke and I need a new one but I didn't want to get one from the store or online because I wanted this one to be special because I have these hammock Sundays where I think about stuff and sit in my hammock and it's kind of a big deal so I need something that would be conducive to that environment thing..."
"Sure, I just need some funding to get this project of the ground. Got about $100?"
"Yeah, that sounds fair enough. When do you think it will be done?"
"It'll take at least a week. I have to clear my schedule to make room for this which may take some phone calls."
"Right. Well, I'm 6'2", 230, so make sure it will hold a man of my large carriage."
"No worries. I got it."
Thumbs up and I walked off. In retrospect, this was a bad idea. Why the hell did I give that hobo $100? He could have run off with it and I would have been out some serious cash. But I figured it was worth the risk to have an awesome hammock.
Part 2
"Hey, friendo. Got my hammock?"
"Yah. I finished it just the other day. Here ya go."
The gypsy pulled out this folded, multi-color hammock that would have put anything at a camping store to shame.
"Wow. This is awesome."
"Well, you are the son of my old age."
"It's from the Torah. Israel gives his son, Joseph, a coat of many colors."
"Oh. Ya. Right, I get it. Thanks again"
I walked away a little weirded out but pumped about my new hammock.
"Honey! Look at my hobo hammock."
"Wow, that's really nice. What is it made out of?"
"I don't know. But I think it's bad ass."
"Can a hammock be badass?"
I immediately started to string the hammock up in my favorite spot between a laurel tree and a poplar tree. The hammock fit perfectly. But now for the moment of truth - climbing into a hammock made by a park hippie. I eased my way in with great hesitancy. It seemed to be holding but I couldn't be sure. I decided to do some unnecessary wiggling to test it out.
"What are you doing out there?"
"I'm testing out this hippie hammock."
"You look like a weirdo."
"You do!"
Eventually, I gave it my vote of approval this was a quality hammock. I grabbed my book and beer and decided to enjoy my afternoon, swaying in the comfort of the summer shade. Eventually, it came that special time in the afternoon when the combination of beer, reading, and warmth led to a nap. I dozed off with ease in my new best friend.
When I woke up, it was dark. I must have slept for a few hours. Why didn't my wife wake me up?
"Honey? What time is?"
Nothing. She must be in the bathroom or something. I guess I better get up. I tried to roll out of my hammock but it didn't seem to be working.
"What's going on here?"
It felt a lot like when you wake up and your arm feel asleep. You desperately try to use it but to no avail. Except this time it was happening to my whole time. I tried to struggle but it didn't work I was stuck.
"Hey! I need help. I'm paralyzed or something."
Or something indeed. I was regaining control of my extremities and cognition when I realized, it wasn't my body parts that weren't working, I was wrapped up in something. I struggled more and more to break free from the bonds that were suppressing me. I started to panic. This shouldn't be happening. What is happening?
On the ground again. In the ant pile again. I looked up to see my hammock and I had ripped giant hole in it. Another hammock down. I definitely should consider that diet now. And getting my money back from that damn hippie. I started to walk back in the house. It was dusk.
"Honey! I broke my new hammock."
"Oh no."
She said it from the other room. She was making here way out of the bedroom when she saw me for the first time.
"Whooo...What are you doing?"
"What do you mean?"
"What is that on your back?"
"There's something on my back."
I reached back to feel my shirt shredded and a lot of blood.
"That hammock must have cut me while I was sleeping. I'm bleeding all over."
My wife didn't say anything. She wasn't really looking at me. Just around me.
"Can you get me something to clean this blood up with?"
She just stared. And pointed at something behind me. I turned around but didn't see anything.
"What's going on? Can't you get me a towel or something?"
She was still pointing. Dumbfounded and pale.
"What are you doing?"
I was so confused. Until I caught a glimpse of myself in the window's reflection. There was something on me. Something large. I started to freak out. Slapping behind me to try to get it off. But it wasn't working. It was following me. I felt my back and notice something was attached to me. It was coming out of my skin. I walked into the bathroom to find a mirror. They were wings. Massive insect wings.
"No. This isn't real. This isn't real."
I started grabbing at my wings, ripping them with all my strength. Piece by piece, I shed my deformity until there was nothing but the base infused into my back. I couldn't pull it off. It was connected to deep. I moved into the kitchen and grabbed a chef's knife. I couldn't leave this thing attached to me. So I wedged the knife between the base and my skin, slicing into my skin to free myself from this malady. Blood was everywhere at this point. My wife was nowhere to be found. I saw the front door left open. I kept digging at the base until I realized there was nothing to cut. The base was a part of my spine.
"Honey, help me!"
I collapsed on the ground. My hands were red and I was feeling lightheaded. Where was my wife? Was she getting help? I saw a figure in the doorway right before I lost consciousness. He looked like he could help.
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